
Pooja Hariharan
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Photo by Christian Holzinger on Unsplash

I have been waiting for a while now,
carrying on with my day, as if nothing had changed.

I have been waiting for a while now,
for you to show up,
To be taken on a journey that is ever so familiar.

I wish to let go,
and will for the waves to hit me,
but an undisturbed sea is all I have in front of me.

I have been searching for a while now,
to collect my broken pieces,
in a hope to feel whole again.

I’m sorry that I shut you down before,
when all you did was to help me,
I’m sorry that I pushed you away,
when all I want is for you to come back now.

As empty as they come, I’ve turned into nothing but a shell with an empty soul.
I’m trying to fix myself, to be a better home for you.
trust me, for one last time.

I will wait for you,
to go together on an ever so familiar journey,
through the fields of happiness, the mountains of sorrow, the fears behind the doors and the hallows of anger.
I will wait for you,
to come back where you belong,
and make me feel human.

Will you? Please?

