One way tickets- each sold separately.

Pooja Hariharan
2 min readMar 27, 2022
Photo by Liam McGarry on Unsplash

Sometimes, I wonder what is it to be a grown up?
Shakespeare got something right when he said “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”,

You wake up, brush, and do your thing day in and day out, like clockwork and go to sleep, but…


..but do you sometimes feel, your life is the play and you are nothing but mere audience,
watching things happen to you.
just watching events unfold? being absolutely helpless to be able-
to do nothing, but just watch?
As one after the other, the events unfold. Sometimes, I get told it’s all in my head, and I’m in control of how my life plays out, but is it so?

Sometimes I feel life is just like a play,

taking you on a journey of emotions filled with hope, happiness, anger, love, pain, regret, oh and more pain?
Facing failures — some professional, some personal.
People moving on — some forget, some walk away and some go to the great beyond.
Things that get said and actions that get done, unfair, hurtful, surprising, shocking, successful
Losing yourself, someone, something, somewhere along the way.

Oh and you wish and wish for a rewind or pause button on those happy moments, that oh so rarely come by, only to realise there isn’t any and its the memories of those scenes, those moments,

that motivate some to sit through the entire play, hopeful.

You never know what to expect, but you do wish for those happy endings, will you get one? you got to wait this one out and see it for yourself?

A one way ticket to a show you did not choose, that you can’t leave but have to sit through to watch, sounds like a pretty bad deal, but it ever so slightly becomes better when you watch it with the right people, who make the bad parts tolerable and the good parts even better.

At some point there is a break and you hope they come back, sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t,

and as painful that is you have no choice but to
carry on with the play, do your job day in and day out, just like clockwork.

A painful show that never seems to end, you think, until..


To me, being. a grown up feels like, leading a life,
having the stomach to witness, things happens to you,
that are mostly not under your control,
and being able to carry on,
with whatever life throws at you
until you don’t have to.

but I get told, it’s all in my head, is it?


